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Prompt 1:

Your challenge is to develop a solution that encourages the adoption of innovative building methods and materials.

Innovation Incentives

Prompt 2:

Your challenge is to create a solution that makes it easier for homeowners and developers to add housing units to existing single-family homes.

Single Family Densification

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Prompt 3:

You are tasked with designing a solution that strengthens the housing safety net for those experiencing financial hardship, ensuring that renters have access to safe, stable, and affordable housing.

Housing Safety Net

Submission Steps

Submissions are due promptly at 9 AM MT on Saturday, September 28th. Follow the steps below to ensure a smooth submission and presentation. If you are looking for inspiration, reference the previous years submissions below:

Timing & formatting

Make sure your slides are formatted as a PDF or PPT. Ensure your presentation is 3 minutes or less.

Submit your presentation

Upload and submit your presentation before 9AM MT. If you have any trouble join the office hours Zoom from 8:00-9:00 AM MT.

Get ready to present

At least one of your team members must be on Zoom to present at 9:30 AM MT. The presentation order will be available in a Google Sheet.

Tune in for the awards announcement

The awards announcement will take place after presentations at 2:00 PM MT.

Judging Criteria

Submissions will be judged by housing experts from across the industry.

Participants will live pitch at 9:30 AM MT on Saturday, September 28th

Innovation & Uniqueness

Is the proposal different from what exists in the housing industry today?


Is there a clearly articulated path to replication?


Is the proposal realistic?

Adherence To Prompt

Does the proposal address the specific challenge outlined in your chosen prompt?

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